Emotions Islam

He Completes Me

Have you ever felt like there’s a void within you that you can’t quite explain? The feeling of being incomplete or yearning for something that you can’r quite put your finger on? Well, ever since I started my search for “The One” I felt this pull of sadness within me … More

Emotions Islam

Ramadhan Reflections

So I know it’s not Ramadhan anymore, even Shawwal has passed us by but this post is something very close to my heart. Ramadhan is a beautiful month when everything seems better. Patience is a virtue bestowed upon even the most impatience of people, tranquility is instilled in even the … More


Tips for Hijabis :)

Assalamu Alaikum Sisters:)

This is a totally random post that I thought would be fun to write, I hope you enjoy reading this:)

Tip 1) Always Smile 😀 and be dignified

Hijabi sisters, whether we like it or not, are prejudiced against. A lot of ignorant people assume that our … More

Emotions Islam

How To Perform Istikhara

Istikhara means to seek goodness from Allah (SWT). It is seen as good practice to perform Istikhara prior to making any decisions. The decisions do not necessarily have to be major life changing decisions, Istikhara can be performed for any decision that you want the Almighty’s guidance for.

in sha More


Surah Mulk

One of my biggest fears is the punishment of the grave (azaab). I haven’t read/heard/seen much in relation to this, mainly because I am so scared to know more and I guess in a sense I feel cushioned by my lack of knowledge. The little I do know however has … More



We all endeavor to pray five times daily and in sha Allah pray that we get to visit the Holy Kab’ah at least once during our stay on this Earth. Unfortunately, the sad reality is many people don’t get the opportunity to perform Hajj. From those that are fortunate enough … More


Etiquette of Jumaah

Ma sha Allah we get the Glorious opportunity to repent every single moment of our lives. However, the Sahaabahs (RA) had such a high regard for Jumaah as it was considered to be of a higher value than Eid in the eyes of Rasul-Allah (may Allah bestow peace and More


Etiquette of Eating

We consume food and drink every single day but how many of us are following the etiquette of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him)? So I thought I’d highlight some of my findings and in sha Allah we can slowly incorporate this into … More