Showing: 1 - 17 of 17 RESULTS
Emotions Islam

He Completes Me

Have you ever felt like there’s a void within you that you can’t quite explain? The feeling of being incomplete or yearning for something that you can’r quite put your finger on? Well, ever since I started my search for “The One” I felt this pull of sadness within me … More

Emotions Islam

Hello, Prince Charming

How do you know if you’ve found the so-called ‘One’? It can be tough, it can be time-consuming and it definitely comes with its share of disappointment.  I’ve had to get through many frogs to get to my Prince. Would I change that? Of course not. With every “frog” that … More

Emotions Islam

Ramadhan Reflections

So I know it’s not Ramadhan anymore, even Shawwal has passed us by but this post is something very close to my heart. Ramadhan is a beautiful month when everything seems better. Patience is a virtue bestowed upon even the most impatience of people, tranquility is instilled in even the … More

Emotions Islam

How To Perform Istikhara

Istikhara means to seek goodness from Allah (SWT). It is seen as good practice to perform Istikhara prior to making any decisions. The decisions do not necessarily have to be major life changing decisions, Istikhara can be performed for any decision that you want the Almighty’s guidance for.

in sha More

Emotions Islam

Keeping Up With The…Salaah!

in sha Allah may Allah SWT accept all our zikr and make us steadfast on the deen. Ameen

Assalamu Alaikum guys, I thought I’d get personal and share my own experiences regarding Salaah. Ma sha Allah I have been able to keep up with my five compulsory daily prayers. However, … More

Emotions Islam

The Spiritual Retreat (Itikaaf)

According to many scholars, itikaaf merely means remaining somewhere. Usually, the “somewhere refers to the mosque for men and a designated place within the home for women.

I’tikaf in the month of Ramadan is a Sunnat-e-Kafaya. It means if one person within the community performs it then all will be … More


Good Music + Sun = Happiness?

So it can’t have escaped anyone’s attention that we have been getting some good weather recently (touch wood!) and people in general seem happier.

As I was driving home from work, with an old CD in the stereo and the sun lighting my face, I couldn’t help but smile :) At … More