Ok so I’m not writing this blog as a techno geek that I am but as an avid user of the internet on my mobile. While i disagree with having the phone stuck to your hand every second of the day, I do believe that it has it’s uses!
My first example of when mobile internet came to my rescue was the week before my driving test when I had booked every hour I could as practice prior to the test. Along with the money for the lessons, I also needed to withdraw the money to give to my instructor on the day of the test to cover any insurance damage caused. As you can imagine, I needed to withdraw a lot of money. Luckily, I have two accounts (not very full but albeit two accounts!), anyways, so I didn’t have enough funds in either account, but enough money overall. I quickly logged on to online banking (this was a time before all the mobile banking apps were out!) and transferred the needed funds into the one account. This allowed me to withdraw the amount I needed there and then without having to step foot in a bank.
Secondly, more recently, I was with my family shopping in ASDA, and wanted to top up my stash of Options hot chocolate sachets. I when down the aisle and stood in front of them, trying to pick the 5 different flavours that I could get for £1 (bargain!) I had a moment of doubt as I remember reading that they were suitable for vegetarians, but could not see the (V) sign for the life of me! I concluded that maybe the sachets are too small for it, so began to search the larger bottles of the same stuff. I couldn’t see it anywhere! I may have been in a rush so I may have missed it (feel free to let me know if it is actually on the label!). So, I pulled out my phone and did a quick search online. The Options website (http://www.optionstreats.co.uk/faq – question 15) confirmed that it was suitable for vegetarians so I obliged and picked ten:).
All in all, it probably took me longer to write this blog then my “moment” in the hot chocolate aisle in ASDA! Obviously, for religious reasons, if I was in doubt and could not find any information on the suitability, I would have opted for another range that did have the (V) sign. As:
On the authority of Al-Hasan bin Ali, the grandson of the messenger of Allah, who said : I memorized from the messenger of Allah his saying :
Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt.”
So, when in doubt, leave it and Allah SWT will provide us with something better in sha Allah However, I do love these so needless to say I am chuffed that they are still suitable.
in sha Allah may Allah SWT help us remember this daily.